Union Arena Toriko Card List

Rarity: {{i}}
Tap each card for translated text.
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Search for your favorite Toriko characters in the Union Arena card list database. These are the Japanese cards translated to english.

If you’re not already familiar with the Union Arena TCG list of rarities and sets you can read the full collector’s guide here.

You can search by name, set, rarity, or card number. Each card will show you more info when you tap on the image.

What is Toriko?

Toriko is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Mitsutoshi Shimabukuro. It was serialized in Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine from 2008 to 2016. The story is set in a world where gourmet food is a top priority, and individuals known as Gourmet Hunters seek out rare ingredients and dangerous beasts to create the ultimate dishes.

The protagonist, Toriko, is one such Gourmet Hunter, renowned for his incredible strength and appetite. Alongside his chef companion Komatsu, Toriko embarks on adventures to discover new ingredients and face off against powerful creatures.

One of the central elements of Toriko is the concept of “Gourmet Cells,” which grant individuals superhuman abilities and enhance their senses. Toriko’s pursuit of rare ingredients leads him to confront formidable opponents and explore diverse environments, from lush forests to treacherous deserts.

Throughout the series, Toriko encounters other Gourmet Hunters, including rivals and allies, each with their own unique skills and motivations. Together, they navigate the challenges of the gourmet world while striving to uncover its greatest culinary treasures.

With its blend of action, adventure, and gastronomy, Toriko captivated readers with its imaginative world-building and dynamic characters. The series received praise for its creative concepts and elaborate food-themed battles, becoming a popular title among manga enthusiasts worldwide.