Union Arena Blue Lock Card List

Rarity: {{i}}
Tap each card for translated text.
{{ dontYouCopyThis(card.name) }}
{{dontYouCopyThis(card.id)}} | {{dontYouCopyThis(card.box)}}

How to Search Through the Card Database

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Search for your favorite Blue Lock characters in the Union Arena card list database in english. If you’re not already familiar with the Union Arena TCG list of rarities and sets you can read the full collector’s guide here.

You can search by name, set, rarity, or card number. Each card will show you more info when you tap on the image.

What is Blue Lock?

Blue Lock is a series that takes the beautiful game to a whole new level of intensity and strategy. Picture this: Japan’s national team suffering a humiliating defeat, and the powers-that-be decide it’s time for a revolutionary experiment to produce the ultimate strikers. And where do they gather the potential goal-scoring prodigies? Enter Blue Lock, a state-of-the-art football training facility that’s less about camaraderie and more about cutthroat competition.

Yoichi Isagi finds himself at Blue Lock, but it’s not just about goals and glory; it’s about survival in a training camp where egos clash and only the elite will emerge. The series explores the psychological and strategic aspects of soccer aka “football” like never before, delving into the minds of players and the fierce competition that fuels their drive.